So, I'll start showing you Look Elite Head Model's photos and no doubt, give my opinion.
When a Model Agency has a head model, that person must be untouchable!! As I remind so often, I'm not judging the person's character or personality. I'm just watching the professional side. The head model must be the BEST: the best shaped, the best model, the best styled, she MUST stand out. Let's take a look at Look Elite head model.
Laura18 Streeter
Laura18 did this entire show using the same brand of poses. Animated poses that were very fashionable a year ago, but are becoming really boring to watch now. Using them for an entire show, it's really really boring.
Laura18 did this entire show using the same brand of poses. Animated poses that were very fashionable a year ago, but are becoming really boring to watch now. Using them for an entire show, it's really really boring.

And again.

Another outfit, the same poses. Again!

After the head model, I bring your attention to Look Elite Academy and their trainer. She was one of the models too. Again, the Model Trainer MUST be outstanding. Be different from all the rest and shine. After all, that's the person who teaches modeling techniques. Really, we have to raise up the bar and have outstanding models in these positions,in a Model Agency.
So, here is Bourbon Zenovka


The next pose, with this long dress is even worse.

The next one is better.

Again, I restate that I'm not a judge of character, I look always at the professional side of each runway model. I'm really appauled, because there is no reason for SL Model Agencies and Models to be just average or below average, especially when they have a 'certain' position in the Model Agency itself.
Next, let's see another Look Elite Model - Madeleine Dollinger.
Great avatar!!Good pose, very sexy, goes with the style and the outfit.
Great avatar!!Good pose, very sexy, goes with the style and the outfit.

Madeleine dared to go 'out of the box' with her poses and the result was interesting to watch.

Looking now at Miaa Rebane. Miaa is an average model, as I said before. She works well on the runway, but for some reason, she doesn't stand out. In this set, her poses were very well chosen, sexy and elegant.

Changing outfit, she did good, posing.

Romantic pose, good for the dress, the colour, the hair. Good, good.

In no particular order, here is Payton Heron. Payton used one of the old walks. Some SL Models still use this walk now, after being released a couple of very good runway walks. She could have updated the walk.

Simple pose.

Simple pose, again.

And suddenly, something happened.

Payton posed like this.

It could have been a good pose, if it were combined with other similar poses during this set. I mean, if Payton decided from the beginning to go a little 'avant garde' with poses, this one would have been good. But it showed up as abrupt and it didn't make any sense, there.

And I saved the best for last!! There was a Look Elite Model that rocked that runway. Wow, double wow, triple wow and I mean it!!
Here is Bety Dudek - a Model that I'll follow, for sure. She did an outstanding job in this show!

The way she presented herself, made me - as a potential client - want to buy the dress, the skin, the hair, everything!

Bety did an amazing job in this show. If she continues to style up and improve, she will surely be a model to look up to.

In the following set, the skin she chose, the eyelashes, the poise on the runway, the hair, the whole styling was simply amazing!

The photos are clear, right? Bety Dudek stood out clearly in this show. Watch out 'older' models!! She was the star!!
There was another model in this show that I considered the chance of not even mentioning. But I'll just show you a faceshot I took of her and you'll understand why I had doubts about her. It really is important in SL Model world to be good, to improve, to get better, to rule the trends. A good model is not going to wear an old skin, with a bad shape looking like this:

Anyway, moving forward, congratulations Bety Dudek. You were the star of this show! I'll show you Bety's face again. Now, compare with the previous faceshot. One is a SL professional model, the other shouldn't even be on a runway.

Hello there,
I don't know how you came to those conclusions. I have the same show too, and taked photos of it. And I must say, I did not get bored at all. And I think I am allowed to say that, after having taken photos of 344 fashion events ( ). If you got bored, you are maybe the wrong one for being fashion critic.
Btw. your photos are too dark.
Tillie Ariantho
Your comment was much appreciated Tillie. Thank you.
However, I didn't say the show was boring, I'm a little tired of people misreading what I write. If you can point out in my text the exact sentence stating that this show was boring, I'd appreciate it, too.
What I said - and please confirm - was that one of the models using the same poses over and over again is boring. And it is, in my opinion. Especially poses that are quite old in SL. There are new poses, models must rule the trends. And yes, it's really boring to see one model use the same poses over and over and over.
I'm not a photographer, as you may have noticed. My photos are clear enough to see poses/walks/styling and that is my one and only goal. I don't need lessons on how to take photos thank you very much, simply because I'm not a SL photographer. I simply watch fashion shows and give my opinion of what I see, mostly regarding posing, walking, styling.
I don't need to see your Flickr photos, I have my own, raw photos. They are, I repeat, absolutely clear about the point I always make: models can do better. If some can do better, why can't others?
Appreciated for your comment, thank you.
I've got a simple thought here.
Rather then say the poses are dated and, possibly even, boring why not use the opportunity to help people improve their presentations by being direct. What I'm saying is this......... name names. Tell us which poses are now in and fresh.
That would be better then simply saying they could do better with their posing.
I'm just
Nave Fall
Your comment was much appreciated, Nave.
I don't think older poses are boring. Not at all! What I said was repeating the same pose over and over again, the same model in the same show in different positions, is boring to watch. Especially if the pose is already used often.
There are new posemakers in SL, of course I could name some. But again, it's not what I decided to do.
Bear with me here, please: once we get in Fashion Industry in SL (can be as designers, as Model agencies, as Model academies), we get to talk to SL Models and see how they walk the runway, how they style, etc. So, we really get to know the latest trends in posing, hair, style, shoes.
We just need to pay attention to what's going on around us. That's one of the characteristics I believe a good Model must have: the ability to pay attention to what other Models do, how they do it; a good SL Model is also a good observer (this doesn't mean to copy them, but to be inspired by them and keep their own self).
I could create an informative blog, about Modeling in SL, I really could. It's not my intention to trash SL Models! But I have to name them. This is what I do.
It's not my intention to promote either SL Designers or posemakers, or shoe creators. I really can't do that.
Fresh and new poses are okay, for obvious reasons. But if I saw a Model repeat one of them to ehaustion, I'd be demanding as well.
So, my basic point in posing is actually, avoid repetition. Models should prepare first, prepare everything, not only the clothes or the style, but also the poses and try their best not to repeat endlessly one or two poses.
This is what I meant.
So you see, Nave, more important than old or new poses is what SL Models do with them, how they use them, if they fit the style of the Fashion Show, if they fit the clothes.
Again, I do appreciate your comment. I hope my answer was more clear now.
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