I particularly remember one of the Shows, that showcased lingerie.
To model lingerie may be one of the most difficult things, both in RL and in SL. If the Model isn't physically elegant, it all may be ruined: what I mean is that high fashion lingerie is always elegant. If not showcased properly, the Model and the underwear may look 'ordinary' and 'slutty'.
There are so many things to consider: the SL Model must find the best skin ( most of the body is shown), the best shape, the best hair, and - this is a must - the best shoes.
And here, I'm talking about classic lingerie. Let's see some of the raw photos I took.
This is Tonya Coppola
Tonya has what I call 'Mimmi Boa's look'. This skin and shape is very common in SL Models. I honestly don't know why. It's a matter of just observing and many SL Models look like Mimmi (when she was MVW).
In the overall catwalk, Tonya was regular.
Tonya has what I call 'Mimmi Boa's look'. This skin and shape is very common in SL Models. I honestly don't know why. It's a matter of just observing and many SL Models look like Mimmi (when she was MVW).
In the overall catwalk, Tonya was regular.

This is Anabela Ravinelli
Anabela is a SL Model that has been on the runways for some time. Personally, I don't like her shape and the skin choice was poor. She did well with posing, though.

This is Annabelle Fleury
Annabelle was the most professional SL Model on the runway. She is also one of SL Models that has been working for quite some time. I expected more though.

Poses!! Poses!! This pose was not a good choice! The next one ruined the negligé's skirt.

Annabelle was the most professional SL Model on the runway. She is also one of SL Models that has been working for quite some time. I expected more though.

Poses!! Poses!! This pose was not a good choice! The next one ruined the negligé's skirt.

Speaking of poses, this is Tia Ryba.
Quite a pleasant avatar, as we can see.
Change of skins, eye colour.
And then, posing was simply terrible!!
What kind of pose is this?
And this one?

And she did it again! These poses aren't good for lingerie. Hands too far apart from the body, head looks weird.

Quite a pleasant avatar, as we can see.

What kind of pose is this?

And she did it again! These poses aren't good for lingerie. Hands too far apart from the body, head looks weird.

Tia was the worst SL Model in this Show. It was clear that she was trying so hard to be different, that she messed up. It's almost as if we could feel her thoughts: let's show them new poses, no matter what poses, even if they made the outfit look bad, as long as they were animated and different. Not a SL Model to hire if the Designer and the Model Agency want elegance.
But, now that I think of it, Tia Ryba has her own Model Agency! Oh well! I'll say no0 more.
But, now that I think of it, Tia Ryba has her own Model Agency! Oh well! I'll say no0 more.
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